Did you have an Auntie Jane who always knew a storm was coming because her big toe would throb? Maybe you didn’t have an Auntie Jane, but it’s true that changes in the weather can affect many things including your allergies. Your auntie was alerted and could take steps to prepare for the storm just as you can with weather changes. Learn how changes in the weather are impacting your allergies, and what you can do to mitigate the symptoms.
That Common Phrase: Allergy Season
We are all familiar with the phrase, allergy season, however, changes in the weather any time of year as well as isolated weather events can trigger allergy symptoms for many.
The connection between your symptoms and the weather depends on what you are allergic to.
Some examples include the following:
- Rainy humid days instigate mold growth inside and outside your house. Dust mites will thrive, which is another allergen. Damp air weighs down pollen keeping it on the ground, so if you are allergic to pollen, this type of day might be more comfortable for you.
- Dry windy days will blow pollen and other allergens into the air leading to hay fever and other reactions. Best course of action is to shut all windows and stay indoors on a windy day.
- The highest levels of air pollution occur on hot summer days. Ozone and smog are triggers for anyone with allergic asthma. Try to remain indoors on days with high air pollution levels.
- Cold temps can trigger those with allergic asthma especially if you are exercising outdoors. It can cause excessive coughing.

Typical Symptoms of Weather and Seasonal Changes
You can expect to suffer from congestion, a runny stuffy nose, itchy watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, fatigue, wheezing, dry scaly skin, post-nasal drip, headaches, and migraines.
The changes in weather, temperature, and barometric pressure all contribute to allergic reactions and the above symptoms.
Fighting Back
You can’t control the weather, and you probably won’t develop a throbbing big toe, but there are ways to manage changes to weather conditions.
Besides using over-the-counter medications like antihistamine, decongestants, and nasal sprays, you can take the following actions:
- Reduce exposure to your particular allergens
- Check the weather and news for pollen counts
- Schedule outdoor activities when levels are low
- Wear a mask when working outside
- Control your environment and regularly clean your house
- Use a HEPA filter to reduce house dust and allergens
Contact San Francisco Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology today for help with symptoms related to changes in the weather impacting your allergies.